Несемо світло у дитячі будинки сімейного типу

Несемо світло у дитячі будинки сімейного типу

Щоденне відключення світла, як за графіком, так і аварійне, надзвичайно виснажує. У кожного ці години розплановані похвилинно: підключити до електроенергії все, що може заряджатися та накопичувати енергію, приготувати їсти, попрати,…
The Project "Protection from and prevention of SGBV close to the contact line"

Protection from and prevention of SGBV close to the contact line

Raising awareness about protection and response against SGBV among PoCs; creation of a culture of absolute intolerance to domestic violence; increasing the role of the organization at the level of the GBV Sub-Cluster and the impact on the development of gender policy at the level of Donetsk and Luhansk Regions. The project aims to build the capacity of NGOs, local communities and government agencies responsible for the prevention and response to SGBV cases.
The Project "Providing the Most Necessary Forms of Humanitarian Assistance to the Most Vulnerable Group - Children Under 3 Years Old from Low-income Families, Internally Displaced Persons and Mothers with Special Needs who Suffered from the War in Eastern Ukraine"

Providing the Most Necessary Forms of Humanitarian Assistance to the Most Vulnerable Group – Children Under 3 Years Old from Low-income Families, Internally Displaced Persons and Mothers with Special Needs who Suffered from the War in Eastern Ukraine

The project provided 900 children (0–3 years old) living in Bryanka, Svitlodarsk, Sviatohirsk and Sloviansk with kits for children (baby puree, baby porridge, juice, baby wipes), as well as an interactive whiteboard and New Years’s gifts were purchased and handed to Sviatohirsk Secondary School